Stretchy Wraps
Stretchy wraps are a long piece of fabric that has lots of stretch to it, unlike a woven wrap. It’s similar to t-shirt material and is often used with newborns and young babies. Stretchy wraps are primarily used as front carriers. While there may be instructions on using them as a back carrier, it is not recommended because there isn't enough support in a stretchy fabric to do so safely. Gypsy Mama Bali Stretch is the only stretchy wrap recommended for back carries.
Stretchy wraps are a favorite for newborn babies and can be used through toddlerhood if wrapped tightly. But, most stretchy wrap users switch to a woven wrap or other type of carrier at around 15 lbs – 20lbs. Although these seem to have a short life span, I used my stretchy wrap daily for the first 12 weeks. These carriers are my favorite for the newborn stage. They are so stretchy and soft and warm! You'll be amazed at what you can get done with your little newborn bound to you in a stretchy wrap... Nursing Ease: Medium